Saturday, September 29, 2018

Release date for Triple T

As I suspected, the release date for Triple T is being delayed. I've sent the manuscript to my betas a bit late. They have private lives and families to take care of, so the release date for the third erotica novelette is October 7. 

I'll keep you posted if anything changes.


On my writing playlist...

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Triple T - Coming Out October 1th

Hello my dearest,

How are you? I hope everything is okay in your lives. I however have a nasty cold...Kids got it from school...I got it from them...You know the drill...
Still, I feel like crap and I'm fighting to make the deadline for Triple T [which I don't think I'll do]. 

So please bear with me. I might delay the release for with a week or so. I'm half way through with the re-writing, but I don't think I'll be able to give the story for beta-read and do the final edit in just a week.

This is bothering me because I like schedules and not being able to keep to this release messes with my head. Oh, and for the quote from the picture; that is from Triple T [Tavi's there]. Here's to hot men and sexy women!

Talk soon!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Short places...

The Black Sea
    How many tourist objectives can you visit in two days? The Black Sea...delfinarium... planetarium, Museum of Natural Science...a Mall...half a city...a Government building...and I returned home with almost no tan. What is the point of going to the beach, again?