Showing posts with label Wolven Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wolven Age. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2019

Coming soon!

Hello people!

I have been busy with family life and other things but I am still around. Wolven Age is about to be released and I still have so much to do with this story. The main thing is, I planned this book to be a full novel (about 80k words) but it seems that it is a lot thinner and in three parts *shocker*. When it comes to my stories, things never come out as I plan them in the beginning and I don't really know why I try to do it. I guess I want to feel I have control over where the stories go, which is so not true *sigh*. Anyway, I'll keep you posted with the moment Wolven Age is on pre-order.



Saturday, April 13, 2019

Coming out 2019!

Hi to all!

I hope you have a great spring; I know I am even though I'm super busy. Wolven Age still has a few chapters to go, but it's on the final end. This story has dragged on a bit but I hope that in the end you'll enjoy it.

Have a great weekend everybody :)

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Writing and editing

Hello people!

Are you wondering what I'm doing? Well I'm doing the final touches to Triple T so it can come out October 7th, as I promised.

Wolven Age is moving along quite nicely and I think I'll do the first round or reviewing and editing by the end of October. I plan to have the story to my beta-readers in November and do the final editing by Christmas.

As you see, I have big plans for the end of the year. Let's hope I can stick with them :)
